Yoonseok Lee

Professor of Economics
Melvin A. Eggers Economics Faculty Scholar
Senior Research Associate, Center for Policy Research

E-mail: ylee41@syr.edu
Mailing Address:
Center for Policy Research
Syracuse University
426 Eggers Hall
Syracuse, NY 13244-1020
Phone: (315) 443-9529

Research Interests:
Panel Data Econometrics
semiparametric models; dynamic models; many (weak) moments problem; spatial dependence; panel treatment effects; robust estimation; heterogeneous agents
Nonparametric Econometrics
nonparametric panel models; nonparametric threshold; lasso and shrinkage estimation; model selection; model averaging; statistical depth
Applied Econometrics
social interaction and segregation; production function estimation; income polarization and crime; forecast combination; risk preference; firm efficiency